Thursday, September 8, 2011

Two boys

When the boys were little, we used to say "Two Boys!" with enthusiasm and smiles. Each night after I put them to bed, I listen to their little conversations. They get along so well. I hear giggles as they discuss different things. They have many similar interests. Seven does back down and compromise with the other two more than they do in return. Six came home from school with his word wall writing. The word wall king today was a boy with the same name as Seven. Six was kind to point out that this boy also liked chicken and the color blue, just like our Seven. It was sweet. Many times, Six can be the sweetest, most caring boy. Other times, look out. You aren't sure who you're talking to, but it doesn't seem to be the same kid.
They are proud of their room and never complain about being together. I am certain this will change in the future, it usually does around middle school age. I hope they look back on these nights together and have fond memories. I do of my sister, though we were usually sneaking to stay up. We would play paper dolls or Barbies by our night lite. Sibling relationships are funny things. Some can grow to be very close, in contact daily. Others drift apart, go their separate ways. I wish for mine similar to my experience. I talk to my siblings frequently, with my sister more than my brother, but still there is an open line of communication. I cherish each of our visits now since they have become more rare. I try to make the most of each opportunity we are given.

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