Wednesday, September 14, 2011


I've had a lingering headache all day. It went away with a few sips of coke, but came back after my nap. After my nap? What seems wrong with that sentence? You'd think a nap would help relieve the pain. It's not too terribly bad, I should not complain.
I am proud of my meal prep today. We have soccer tonight. I took out beef. I made up some burgers N could throw on the grill. I used the rest of the beef for meatballs. They are in the oven as I type. Tomorrows meal, half way done! I think we'll add mashed potatoes and gravy, call it a day. More soccer tomorrow night, Six has practice and Seven has a game.
Four (I most always want to type Three) loved her second day of preschool. I am appreciating the "homework" they send home too. It's just a sheet for her to do and she loves it. Entertains her in the afternoon very nicely. We finished up laundry today and were ready for the boys when they got home. Homework has been sort of a challenge lately. With the events scheduled for our evenings, I want the homework done as soon as they get home. Today was a great example of why we should continue with this routine. N picked them up. They were done with their homework before their bus even made it to our street! We are free for the night, just to go over spelling words one more time before bed. Spelling comes rather easy to Seven. He does not have difficult words this week, but he has always done well with that subject. This will be the first spelling test for Six. I think when he is at school, he's in the mode and does well. It is challenging to get him to focus at home. Four does not help. She wants their attention too. Today, I figured it out. She was upstairs having some computer time while they worked on homework. It was much more calm and they stayed focused. Coach Sam will run Seven hard tonight. Looking forward to tired people after some fresh air.

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