Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Picture day

Today is picture day for Four. She put on her second dress Auntie Orchid gave her for her birthday. This is her first time to wear it. She was excited getting ready for preschool today. We made her hair curly and even painted sparkles on her finger nails. I meant to take a picture of her, but in all the chaos to get the kids out the door, I forgot. Once we arrived at preschool, something changed. She was fine when we hung up her coat and used the potty. After, she didn't want me to leave. I am not sure what that was about. I noticed other kids had a difficult time with drop off too. Some were crying. Mrs. Fvr came and took her to stencil a picture. It was just the distraction she needed. I left and saw her smiling. She loves preschool and will have a great day. Maybe it's the anticipation of something being different, perhaps slightly intimidating that changed her mood? I do not know. What I do know, she will have a great day at preschool. She always does.

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