Friday, September 16, 2011

Get the Lego's under control

Lego's are tiny and can get lost very easily. I've had a few go up my vacuum, it's no fun. I try to keep them contained in the boy room. I do not enjoy toys in the bedroom and used to be against it, but when Lego's joined out household, I had no choice. They can spread everywhere in a short period of time. Pieces can get misplaced or lost very easily. I tried to put an old train table in their room, hoping the Lego's would stay on the table. No one ever wanted to play sitting next to the table. Our solution, a Lego trundle for under the bed. It's a big wooden box that slides out from under their bed. We built a frame and lined it with upholstery fabric. Now the Lego's are still on the floor, easy to play with, but even better, easy to clean up. The box fits perfectly under their bed. They slide it out to play and slide it back to clean up. I will add a picture to this post this afternoon. We built it yesterday, but with soccer and homework, our night flew by. The boys were thrilled with this new change to their room.
Tonight, not much on the agenda. The kids expectations for entertainment are low because of being in school all week. We have a play date with Daisy at the park after school, then it's home for the evening. They requested a movie night, but with all the Lego books organized, I see some mad Lego building in our future. Tomorrow we have a soccer game in the am. The rest of the day will be free!

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