Monday, September 26, 2011

A mysterious smell

For a week or so, I have not been able to figure out the smell in our bathroom upstairs. Well, I know the smell, just not the source. I cleaned everything! The sink, floor, bathtub, shower curtain, garbage can, under the shelf, etc. Wiped everything down, multiple times. I could not find the source of this urine smell. Last Friday Six had a friend over. This friend needed to use the bathroom. Six told him not to go in that bathroom because it smelled like pee. Oh boy. Thanks Six. Broadcast we have a smell we can't get rid of. What a guy. Just looking out for his buddy. Wanted to make sure he had an enjoyable experience at our house? Don't use the faulty bathroom.
Well, I am happy to report I think I found the source. The screws under the top of the toilet were quite dirty. If certain little boys would hit the water every time, not wait until the last minute to use the bathroom, we may not have this problem. I had to climb under and look up to discover this. They are all clean now and hopefully our problem is solved.

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