Sunday, September 11, 2011

Evening prayers

Many nights, I am impressed by our evening prayers. Sometimes they are thankful for material things. I admit, this disappoints me slightly every time. Other nights, they surprise me with their thoughts. Tonight, Six was thankful for getting to go to church today. This coming from the boy who didn't want to go before we left the house. He loved the potluck. It didn't occur to me that my children did not know what a potluck was. They had never heard that term before. Father B wants us to eat as a family, thus the potluck today. There were cheers from the back seat when we drove up to the church to discover a jumping castle on the lawn. Great motivation to behave! I think their eyes bugged out when they saw all the food after mass, especially the dessert table. It was a great afternoon. N was able to join us and headed to work right after. We spent the rest of the day at home, preparing for tomorrow.
Monday, back to the new schedule. It's the first day of preschool. They will celebrate her birthday tomorrow. She gets to bring treats and something to share. She picked out a fancy dress from Orchid to wear. It's a little black dress. Very chic. She also chose a black sweater with jewels and a fancy bow/headband for her hair. Her new shiny black shoes will tie it all together with more style than I have. We will see how it all fairs after a morning of preschool and pink cupcakes.

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