Friday, September 30, 2011

Lunch box Friday

Today we met the boys at school for lunch. Four got to get hot lunch, very exciting. She went with Six to dump her tray and dropped it. Totally freaked her out and she came back crying. Six was so sweet, he held her hand and guided her through the sea of children, back to our table. He's such a good big brother. Spelling tests were great today. I am proud of Six. I didn't know how spelling tests would go for him. He did not have any last year. He's done really well so far. Seven is a great speller. He only got two wrong on all his tests last year. I love going to lunch at the school. Today it is cold and windy outside. Daisy wanted to go to the park, but I'm afraid it's not in the works for me. We will see if she has changed her mind after picking up the kids.
N has tomorrow off. He never has weekends off. It's not so busy at the tower now, he was able to get 3 Saturdays in October off! Looking forward to some great, quality time for him and the boys. Tomorrow will not be that as he is going to work on the boat with a boat guy. I am sure it will take most of the day, but maybe we can do something fun in the evening.
Soccer games tomorrow too. I hope it warms up.

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