Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Bake Sale Leap Day

Even without a full night of sleep, the bake sale didn't wear me out too badly. We did not have as many items to sell, therefore not every child got four things without money. Once again, difficult to figure out. Everyone got the number of items they brought in money for, seems fair. When we have excessive amounts, then the entire school can have four items. This may possibly be the last year of bake sales. Rumor has it some parents complained and it may come to an end. Not sure how else they will ask us to raise money for the grades. I sure hope it isn't selling wrapping paper or something similar. I'd rather bake twice a year per child and have them get the money they need. I'm not sure how many years they've been doing bake sales. I've participated and led for the last three years. I love doing it and it's great to be with the kids. Once again, time will tell. If these three parents want to make a fuss, perhaps they should lead the fundraising project.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012


After much cutting/trimming, we managed to get a great amount of box tops, soup labels and similar items trimmed and counted. You wouldn't think that type of work could wear you out, but it did for me. I think it's sitting up and cutting that tired me out the most. We were productive worker bees and the school will benefit in the future.
Kids were in high spirits when they came home from school. Somehow, that was the time of day my speed went up. I was movin faster and got a meal out early, sort of on demand.
Seven has asked for tickets to Cats for his birthday. This didn't surprise me, he's loved Cats since last year's music class. I was surprised to hear it will be in the area, but not until June. Six too really enjoyed Cats during music class. The local music teacher does such a great job with the kids. The last two weeks in a row, there has been no school. Six was disappointed on both days just because he would miss music class.
Tomorrow is the bake sale. I was so exhausted at the end of the day, I was in bed and almost asleep right at 9pm. Hunger woke me up and now it's close to midnight and I'm awake. Hopefully I can get back to sleep soon. I fear the bake sale will wear me out.

Slowly, Slowly said the sloth

That's how I feel this morning, slow. Just couldn't get up, couldn't get out of bed. Complete turn around from yesterday morning. I was up at 5:45 and felt great.
My toast didn't toast completely or hardly at all, this discovered after I put the peanut butter on. My coffee pot seemed confused and buzzed when it wasn't finished yet. The dish washer needs to be emptied. I have very little milk, no ham and just a few slices of bread in the house. The kitchen floor needs to be washed. There's toothpaste all over the bathroom counter. The bake sale is tomorrow. I am not prepared. Still need to pick up bags and make something.
On another note:
My kids were so quiet this morning, I have no idea what time they woke up. They did everything they were asked without complaining. They played very nicely together. We found all missing library books and were able to turn them in. Some girls are coming over this morning to clip labels for the programs at the school. Church last night was great, but boy did I lose steam at the end. Daisy gave me an out, but I want to continue until I really can't. She's on spring break next week. Hoping we get to see each other besides at church. I am sure it will be a nice day. Just need to get the boys on the bus and get myself in the shower. Then I'll be ready and awake, hopefully.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Saturday in February

The snow stayed for today. The kids were outside twice, gotta love these days. We got quite a few things done today. So much thanks to Zinnia for coming over and helping me with some meal preparation. The kids worked together to clean up the basement. They were full of energy, even after all the fresh air they had today.
I think I've got the contraction thing figured out. It seems to start when my sugar is low. As soon as I eat, contractions stop. I've eased up on my pace and am slower than ever. Not sure how the next month and a half will go. Just have to take it easy and let somethings go.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Fun on snow day

31 weeks and contractions for hours

We took a trial run at labor and delivery last night. We'd never been up there before and didn't know where we were going. Of course I would have avoided this experience if I could have, but multiple contractions in a few hours wasn't approved for staying at home. Thankfully, all was well. It was just contractions, no other pre-labor signs. This is all new territory for me. I've never been on bed rest, I've had minimal restrictions to my activities and wasn't terribly uncomfortable until the end. All my kids came after 39 weeks, never was there a threat at 31.
It's all about balance. I need to focus on drinking more water and pace myself with my activities. I can no longer clean up the entire kitchen after a meal, start the laundry, vacuum the living room and bathe three children all in a row. N has been great, the kids too. I hope they stick to good helper attitudes with minimal complaining. Four is such a great helper. She is eager to help if it means good things for the baby. She can't wait for her to get here. Seven is the best listener. Even if the task does not excite or interest him, he will do it. He always does and usually when I first ask him. Six on the other hand, still has quite a bit to learn. He will almost always complain and maybe even whine or yell. Even the simplest task can be difficult. I find myself not asking him because of all the work. It takes more effort into asking him to accomplish the task than the task itself. This though, is not fair to the other children who listen right away. Needless to say, we all have something to work on with our attitudes.
Today is a snow day. N made everyone breakfast, then headed out doors with the crew. They pulled out the snow mobile. Was I ever surprised to see them doing circles in the back yard while pulling the kayak. Only N would come up with this idea on the snowy winter morning. I'll try post the video later. Of course the kids were thrilled. Six loves the snow mobile. After only one ride, he had published work and art at school about the experience.
Looks like we will spend a quiet weekend at home. N will go to work. Sunday we'll go to church. That's about it. The plan for tonight is to skype with Baby Orchid. She is hilarious and always puts us in a good mood. Can't believe a baby so young can skype so well. She's the best!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Thursday contractions

Today caused me to slow down. I had a series of contractions that were fairly strong and more than 4 in an hour. Puts things in perspective. I'm just 31 weeks today. Really want to keep her growing.
N went to see the boys at lunch. I was thankful. He needs to do that. Four and I go frequently, but N doesn't get to. The boys will enjoy him being there.
I will make a list of goals for the next month.
Afternoon plans, watching Annie with my favorite four year old. Take care of my girls all around. : )

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Well, I realize I've been a little lost when it comes to blogging lately. Honestly, this sugar topic has gotten me frustrated and a little down. I had some appointments today and I'm feeling better about the whole thing. It was tricky at first, but I think I've got it figured out. Turns out I was being harder on myself than I should have been.
Still trying to keep all these appointments together. Today was again, a busy day.
Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent. A friend posted on FB a link to a Lent board game. Guess who just happened to finally get a new printer today??? Just in time to print out the Lenten game. The kids get to put a sticker on the board when they say a prayer or make a sacrifice. I think it will be a great way to keep us on track this Lenten season.
Diabetic eating can be challenging, possibly more so now with taking meat out of the equation once a week. We'll see how it goes. Thanks to Zinnia, N was able to come with me today and get some info. This too shall pass, I will get through this.
On the road to having Seven's birthday treats for school all planned. I hope they turn out as cool as they look. I'm planning ahead and making purchases with my coupons as I go. I have a painting project started and can't wait to get going on it more.
We purchased shelves for baby girls things today. Just need a few more baskets, then to wash it all up and be ready for her! More progress on Nuthatch drive!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Sally is her name?

Six wants to name our van Sally. We will see if it catches on. We drove to see the in-laws yesterday. The kids got to see five of their cousins. They sure enjoy spending time together. It saddens me that we see so little of each other.
We brought Cousin #4 her birthday present. She truly loved it. I was so happy to see such wonder in her eyes. She's a sweet girl. Cousin #5 is looking more like Cousin #3 these days. The boys love to play with him. They just pick up right where they left off. They have such a great relationship. Four took a little longer, but she and Cousin #6 we lining up stuffed animals for a tea party and having a keen time.
We took our new van. It was quite luxurious for us. Remember, it's not a brand new van, but perfect for us. It's exactly what we wanted and never before have I had so much leg room! I was surprised at how terribly uncomfortable I was on the ride home. Good thing we went now, I'm not sure I'd be up to the two hour drive next month.
We brought a baby gift to Aunt Lily. She doesn't know what she's getting yet, we went with a duck theme. I got the book "Ten Rubber Ducks" and had the kids write their names in it. Seven wrote "To our newest cousin. Happy reading 2012." It was a nice touch to our gift.
We also brought a birthday gift for the MIL. She was really happy with the flower coffee cups I found for her. I also gave her my first pinterest project. It's a container with coffee beans and tea lights. I will post a picture later. It turned out pretty great. I put it together at the last minute. I wanted to make it for her, just wasn't aware I had all the supplies. Turns out I did and it was great.
Today we will head to church and stay home. I hope to get some things picked up and cleaned before N gets home. This week, I will set up the shelves and get the baby stuff in order. I feel I've waited too long. On with another day!

Friday, February 17, 2012

Pizza with Picasso

Note: this is the child who when we moved here said "Don't say Michigan to me!" Now he's promoting both state universities.
Last night we attended a PTO sponsored event called Pizza with Picasso. It was an evening at the school to promote art in the community. Each child in the school had a piece of their artwork on display. Families could come and for $10, they got a large pizza, four drinks and four bags of chips. This was a great meal out of the house. There were activity tables set up with many art projects for the kids to do. Cookie decorating and face painting were highlights for our group. N was able to come with as it was his night off. We had a fun family night.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Bloom where you are planted this spring

I tried to write this at the end of the day, but could not keep my eyes open. I couldn't even get the kids in their beds, they had to come to me for their kiss. Angels were on my shoulder as I made it through yesterday with so little sleep. I really didn't think I'd make it without a nap.
Got the boys on the bus, in great spirits looking forward to all that the day would bring. Four wore her purple J dress, she always gets so many compliments when she wears it. For some reason beyond my understanding, she insisted on wearing Christmas socks. I know I just have to take them out of her closet because this is a frequent argument when we are going somewhere and I want her to match. One day she said to me "Sometimes, I just don't like to match."
We did pick up $5 subs before going to the school. I was able to enjoy them just as I had in my dreams the night before. Our bowling set was once again, a great success. We were in Mrs. L's room first and in charge of the bowling game. Four was proud to be the pin re-placer once the kids knocked them down. She did try to mix it up a little by not placing pins on the dots, but quickly decided to follow the directions or she'd lose her job. She was pretty big among all those school kids.
Lunch was nice, some parents and friends were there. I love seeing all the kids. Some from different events we participated in last year still come up to me and we chat. One even asked my how my valentines day was going. She's so sweet.
After lunch with both boys, we were off to Seven's classroom and his party. Four was losing steam by then, she'd sat with her head down on the lunch table while eating with Six. Our bead project was good, 2nd graders had fun with that and once again, loved bowling. The dad who ran the bowling was hilarious. He asked them where they were from, who they were, etc. He sounded like a game show host.
I left the party early, dropping Four off in Mr. L's room with Zinnia. Of course Mr. L gave us a hard time, me leaving all three of my kids with her on Valentines day. He's so much fun. I really miss visiting with him on a daily basis.
N and I were off to retrieve the van. This was my moment for a nap. Didn't come, my back was sore from sitting in the little chairs at school.
We were at our destination on time. The lady we bought the van from was very nice and sweet. She filled the tank of gas for us and washed it. She was so pleased we were buying it and beamed when I told her how excited our kids were. Top notch experience with her, we told her to let us know when she wanted to sell her Odyssey.
The Secretary of State wasn't as painful as it could have been. I did experience two contractions while sitting in there, but we were called in a reasonable amount of time. It felt good to leave Lansing with everything done, van purchased, tags paid, etc. It's even ready for the state parks!
I was tired and hungry, but the new route we took home didn't take us by any food places. Must have been a sign, we weren't meant to spend our valentines meal at McDonalds. We made it back to town and went to the pub for our evening meal before getting the kids. Zinnia, I don't have a clue what I'd do without her. I know she had far less sleep than I the night before. Of course, she isn't in my current condition, but she managed to be in high spirits and accomplish so much yesterday. Then take care of my three children, plus her own. Before I left MN, my good friend Iris gave me some flower seeds and wrote on the note "Bloom where you are planted." It took me awhile, but thanks to Zinnia and my other flowery friends, I think I am finally ready to plant those seeds. They have been hanging in my cupboard since we got here.
When we picked up the kids, they were so very excited for the new van. Four buckled herself, sat their swinging her feet beaming. The boys were excited too. They were all over the place, checking everything out. It was a great end to a great day.

Wash out the worry

Just when I was able to get back to sleep, Four is in my bed. Her leg hurts. I spend the rest of the night trying to get her back to sleep. Complete failure, I put her in the tub just in time for her brothers to wake up.
I hope I can stay awake today. Just have to worry less and keep going. How do you stop the worry? How do you let things be as they will and do your best? Guess it all comes back to prayer. In the end, it's not my plan. Just take what comes to you and do the best you can.
Maybe I won't stay for the entire party time today. Maybe Four will come with us to get the van, perhaps she can take a nap in the car. My luck, she'll fall asleep on the way home, then be up all night and off for preschool tomorrow.
One step at a time. For now, I have to get boys fed and out the door. The rest will fall into place. Wish me luck!

3 AM and hunger pains

I tried to ignore them, but dreams of Subway got to me, causing me to wake up with great hunger pains. I hate to complain, but some of these pregnancy symptoms are getting old. The middle of the night bathroom trips seem to be putting me in training for when this baby gets here.
Tonight of all nights, I really needed good rest. Tomorrow will be a big day. Perhaps this is the reason it got the best of me. Lately, I have a hard time relaxing. So much to do, I try not to let it get to me. It's inevitable, I should have predicted this. N has to get up in less than two hours. Thankfully, I have not disturbed him.
The problem is once I'm fully awake, my mind starts racing. The dream of Subway led to the idea of Subway for lunch at school today. Then again, I could just bring sandwiches from home. But wait, all the bread is in the freezer. I forgot to take it out. I'll have to in the morning to make the boys a sandwich before they are off to school. Or maybe I should just give myself a break and get the Subway before I go to the school. They should have showers in the morning because they will be at Zinnia's tonight while we pick up the van. See, this is how my thoughts travel from one thing to the next.
I'll need to pack up their pj's and supplies before heading to the school as well. It would seem like lots of time in the morning before having to leave, but if I don't have my ducks in a row and am not well rested, I fear I will drag my feet and everything else weighing me down.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Monday, Monday

Great start to the busy week ahead. Still can't believe all we accomplish in one day. Delivered the boys to school along with the valentine box. It arrived in one piece, no need for it to attempt survival on the bus. Four off to preschool, enjoyed her party and was picked up in good spirits. Got my errands done. Beads purchased for the v-day party tomorrow. Popcorn treats packaged and ready for delivery. Cookies baked and brought to church. The kids loved them and had a fun night. The bowling alley project turned out great! We swapped valentine bingo for bowling halfway through the night.
It was great to see the kids so happy with each other and the games. I love their conversations. First grade is such a sweet age. They all have nice things to say about each other. Six and his buddy sat at the end of the table at class tonight. For some reason, they always end up on the opposite end of us moms. Daisy and I are their teachers. Our boys get along so well. They shared how they play together at recess every day. They also shared how they let other kids play with them. Daisy's son said this about Six: "he's always doing nice things for other people and he's everyone's friend." So sweet to hear about Six. It sure was great to hear from another six year old. They are silly together and totally get one another. They have the same humor and enjoy spending time with each other. Daisy then told us that the big sister says they need to have Six over more because he is a nice friend of her brothers. What a girl!
Tomorrow is a big day. More parties! The kids will ride a different bus tomorrow, first time ever. N and I get to go pick up our new van! It's not brand new, but new to us. Seven and Four are really excited. Six had a mild attitude saying the truck is so much better. He'll get over it. I am excited for more space between them. They can get in and buckle themselves. I really can't wait for that part.
We'll see how it all turns out. Hopefully I make it through the day. Today was exhausting, but great. We will see where tomorrow leads.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Progress, brought to you by the letter P

First coat of paint on the changing table, check.
Valentines party games painted and prepped, check.
Mini van purchase on the horizon, check.
We've made lots of progress this weekend. The valentine party preparations are close to completion. Just need to bake the cookies, pop the popcorn and purchase some beads. Valentines are all completed, box needs to go to school and the party can begin.
It will be a busy week.
I will be taking a diabetic class. Yup, I failed the sugar test. So, finger poking and label reading will be in my future. This brings up many questions and guesses for me. I believe I won't go until 40 weeks. I am sure they will want to induce me. It may be a repeat from my experience with Seven. That means, possibly no surprise delivery. Scheduled, the kids will be aware ahead of time. I really would like to go into labor on my own, but if that's not an option, we'll deal.
I've had great reception on helping me out with my plan. Zinnia of course, always there. "It's a given" was her response. The role of coming in the night will be played possibly by Azalea. It will all work out. I've got great people and great support. Bluestar has also said she would help. She picked up Four at preschool this week so N and I could go look at a van. She's great.
It's nearly bedtime, ready for another day. Pancake breakfast at church tomorrow!

Thursday, February 9, 2012


We got quite a bit accomplished today!
I managed to get my hair cut, along with Four. I didn't go there with the intention of having hers cut as well, but she decided to cooperate. We took 4 inches off! She's never had more than a trim. It took her so long to get hair, I just couldn't cut it. Lately, it's been more maintenance and she has been less cooperative. Her hair looked terrible too many days. It was driving me crazy. The natural curl is gone. It looks scraggly. Now, she has a big girl haircut. Funny thing is, just before she was born, we gave Six a big boy haircut. Now she's had a major change before the new baby comes.
We finally got Skype figured out again. They can't wait to chat with Baby Orchid. We were surprised when we chatted with G & G to see Uncle Dv too has a new hairdo. He looks like the boys, only with a goatee. It was a good time. Six still had not done his homework and finally finished both math papers with the help of Gma and Uncle Dv. Gpa came home just in time to catch the end of our chat.
He finished the upgrades on the changing table. Just needs a coat of new paint. More progress on Nuthatch dr!

I survived

It was painful, but I survived. The mythical back room does exist. It wasn't quite what I expected and I didn't turn on the TV, but the recliner was really nice. I started a new book. Rarely do get uninterrupted time to read. It was a first for N to get the kids out the door without me around. I left an hour before they did. Guess all went well. Seven took a cold lunch, but Six opted for hot lunch. We'll see what they have to say after school.
This month is already exhausting and it's still early. I can't believe how much is going on. I started PT for my back and hips. Those appointments alone are making me dizzy. I go there three times a week. It's hard to commit to anything without being positive what I've got going on. I've had to reschedule my haircut at least twice. Hopefully I get it done today, we'll see. I want to get Four's hair cut short, but she is in protest. That subject is still in negotiations.
The 2nd grade teacher needs two more crafts for the party. I searched and the easiest thing I could come up with are pipe cleaners with beads. Either a bracelet or heart shape, easy enough. That will be a long day. I will have PT after all that chaos. At least Four will celebrate the day before. I picked up their candy to hand out with their cards, but we really need to get working on filling out the cards.
I feel like my house is always in chaos. I am still considering the dumpster. Just when I think I got it figured out, I'm gone for the morning and we're back to square one. I don't know how I kept it all under control before. I guess I'm just too tired too soon during the day to figure it out. I'm not really that tired, but there are other things I decide to do. Like today, the basics are clean, but there's always some clutter. I've got 2 laundry baskets that need to be folded and put away. Instead, I'm doing this and then going to try to get my hair cut. Maybe I'll go get to them now. It helps to write it down and let everyone know, then I can't let it sit. Thanks for the motivation readers!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

The dreaded sugar test

Here I am, approaching my final hours before the 3 hour sugar test. 12 hours of fasting, three days of extra bread with every meal, my only reassurance is the new location I plan to take the test at. Rumor has it, there is a room with recliners, dim lighting and they hand you the remote for the TV. It's like a mythical story. We'll see if such a room exists. You don't have to spend the afternoon in the lobby with the others who get to do their test and leave for the day. I've been dreading tomorrow for over a week now.
Six had to make a Valentine box, happy to report its done. Not a heart or pink on the thing, but he is happy. I started valentines with Four. It's going to take awhile. Good thing we have the weekend. Seven will get his done in no time.
We had little more baby progress today. A pad for the changing table has been purchased and we checked out some mattresses. I'd like to stop at Babiesrus too. I priced the shelves I think I want. Didn't see the baskets I'd like. It will come together one of these days. Just about 10 weeks to go!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

I need a plan

For some reason, it did not occur to me until this very moment, I need a plan. I have no plan for what to do with my kids when this baby comes. I am talking about the actual moments the baby comes. I can't take them with me. I want N to come with me, he can't stay here. This is where my life depending on other people comes into view. In TX, our neighbors were our family. It was easier to schedule as there were only two kids and everyone lived right on our road. My neighbors took turns when it worked for their schedule, staying at my house with the kids. When they needed to go, another neighbor came over.
With kids in school and being in a new state, it's all changed. The other challenge is I have three. Three schedules, three needs, three opinions, and it is necessary to have three seat belts. My friends with kids of their own can't transport mine and theirs.
For so many, this is the time the grandparents step in. Doesn't work when ours are a 16 hour drive away.
So, brainstorming begins and I need a plan!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Super Sunday

Another great Sunday down thanks to Zinnia and Mr. D. Well, Fr. B always has something to do with our moods on Sundays, too. After a wonderful mass, we went straight to our friends house where we tried to make some things successful. We failed miserably at Kool Aid popcorn. It sounded ideal for school treats, but in the end was a big flop. We tried not to let that get us down. The kids had a great time outside and love playing with the cats and dog. Zinnia and I managed to make a few cards. Mr. D helped us out with a game for the Valentines parties. They turned out pretty neat and will be fun to see in action. The pins are nearly finished.
I'm back to the drawing board with ideas for snacks at the party. I wanted to find something simple and fun. I'm still hopeful to find the right treat.
The super bowl isn't such a big deal for me. The girl is asleep already, but I let the boys stay up with their dad. Tomorrow, back to the routine.
I did hear from McDonald's in regards to our dinner there this past week. I heard from a contact at the headquarters and local as well. They tried to call me. We will see what they have to say. Their letters were sincere. It was just a terrible experience.
Here's looking to a great start on Monday!


So many birthdays are coming up, ones that you aren't aware of. Kids birthdays seem to be in discussion always, but not the parents. Yesterday, we celebrated Azalea's big day. Today, I just discovered it is Ivy's birthday. Daisy's will come up this summer. Mine is just around the corner, too.
Things tapper off when you are an adult. It seems past 21, it's not really a big deal anymore. We had a party when I turned 30. Some of my favorite people came to our small townhouse in MN. They brought all their kids and everyone had so much fun. I am very thankful we had that party. It's been a great memory for me.
Azalea's party was a great time. Her husband approached us last month about surprising her. We got together and made some plans. It was a success. She had no clue, but did have lots of smiles. The kids played so hard. They ran outside in the beautiful weather. They played inside, ate well and enjoyed being together. It's nights like that when I am so thankful for great friends.
Today, I am not sure what is ahead of us. I know the things I need to tackle, but am not sure if they will be accomplished today or ignored for a few more days. My basement is a disaster. It needs much help. Still eager to keep the baby progress rolling. All parts that involve N, must be put on hold until his day off. I wish I had more confidence with power tools. Alas, I do not and will not be building shelves and such. We were on a roll, have to keep the momentum going.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Surprise for a friend

Tomorrow I am assisting in pulling off a surprise party. No worries, she's not a blog reader. I searched Pinterest for some ideas. Turns out tulips are her favorite. I found a vase at Michael's and some artificial tulips. I lined them inside the vase with rocks at the bottom. I will fill the vase with water, the tulips submerged. They look pretty great in there! I put a green ribbon around the bottom. I also put together a glass dish filled with gumballs and made a sign that says "Forty Blows". Moonflower had a cake made with the same saying on it and gumballs. It should be a great time. We're having baked ziti, the birthday girls favorite. I made Indian relish! It's so pretty with the deep red color, great for the month of February. I will make a Valentines snack chex mix and some Valentine bars today. Looking forward to some fun with friends!
On another note, we've decided to put the house hunt on hold for now. I really don't want to move during/right after the baby arrives. We will see about looking again this summer. There really wasn't one dream house out there in the area we want. Might as well wait for what we want, or at least closer to it. Instead, we will pursue the van process. N found one he thinks will be a good choice. The plan to is to take it to Mr. Chuck's tomorrow and see what the guys say about it. It's not my dream van by any means, but will work for what we need. It's actually more van than expected. It seats 6 in the back two rows. Even with the new baby, we'd have room for a friend or two. The cargo area is great. We will be taking a stroller and pack n play with us when we travel. Those two items take up a large amount of space in the average mini van.
I hope it all comes together and works out for our family. We will be selling my car and still have three vehicles. N just can't part with his car or the truck. He's put some time and work into the truck. It's a pretty good truck. We can all ride in it if we get a seat-belt lock for the baby.
Things are coming together. Decisions are being made and goals met. April will be here before we know it.

Thursdays ending

Thursday did not end the way I thought it would. N wanted to take the kids to the park. They like to walk in the woods with their boots on. I sat in the truck. Spirits were high and we decided to hit McDonald's for supper. We usually do not go to fast food places unless we are on the road. This was an unusual treat for us.
In keeping with the good mood, kids got ice cream cones with their meal. Six was being poky and the last to finish. Thankfully, I went over to see how much he had left. I was appalled to discover his chicken snack wrap was raw in the middle. I was shocked. I showed it to N and took it to the counter.
The girl took it from me right away and threw it away. The manager came over and apologized. She gave us our money back for the entire order. She asked if we wanted desserts to go, but by that point, my nerves were shot. I just wanted to get everyone out of there. I was so terrified he would get sick. Poor Six had salmonella the week before Four was born. It was a terrible experience, one I would never wish upon any parent or child.
He went to bed as his usual self and woke up feeling fine. I am thankful he didn't get sick. It is truly disappointing to trust a restaurant with your child's meal and have something like that happen.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Thursday at home, back on track

Boy did things feel good and accomplished today!
Four and I cleaned bathrooms, even the drawers. We tossed out the old stuff, wiped it all out and rearranged everything in the drawers. They look great. We got the laundry under control, cleaned the bedrooms and vacuumed the house. We even managed to get our treats for Saturday started. The house stinks from Indian relish, but it will be worth it when we get to bring such a pretty dish to our party on Saturday.
I wrote out recipes for treats to take to the party and even have my bake sale treat planned. Next week will be here before I know it.
N fixed the truck!
We got a changing table, but it needs a little maintenance.
The stroller is in the box, can stay there for awhile yet. He even put the car seat in the truck to see how it all fit!
Names are still in discussion. Just need the shelves and baskets, then we will be really organized for baby girl.

Thursday at home, back on track

Boy did things feel good and accomplished today!
Four and I cleaned bathrooms, even the drawers. We tossed out the old stuff, wiped it all out and rearranged everything in the drawers. They look great. We got the laundry under control, cleaned the bedrooms and vacuumed the house. We even managed to get our treats for Saturday started. The house stinks from Indian relish, but it will be worth it when we get to bring such a pretty dish to our party on Saturday.
I wrote out recipes for treats to take to the party and even have my bake sale treat planned. Next week will be here before I know it.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

First of February and the month is full

Whirlwind week and I am exhausted. Tomorrow was the only day with nothing except getting boys on the bus. I flipped the calendar today and was shocked at how full our month already is. Too many appointments in the future for me. I've been in a dr office every day this week. I started PT today. It felt better and hopefully will continue to improve my status. Never had hip problems while carrying any other baby. Orchid went to PT during her pregnancy and really thought it helped.
Speaking of help, I finished reading the book last week and finally saw the movie tonight. It was great. Loved the book so much more, but was happy with the movie.
Tomorrow was going to be the only day free for the three hour sugar test. Depressed me immediately, I plan to make it work on Friday instead. Just need a day to breath. Plus, my house is suffering.
So many things to get done, happy to report we purchased a car seat! First thing for this new baby. We're almost 30 weeks. Still no name. Changing table in the works, maybe we will be ready before April!