Tuesday, September 6, 2011

They are off

Four and I followed the bus to school. We were surprised to see Zinnia's kids on the same bus. Azalea was there and we watched her kindergartner get off the bus. I guess they switch some kids around once they arrive at the elementary school. Zinnia's kids weren't on the same bus when they started. Some looked more terrified than others, but everyone seemed excited to be there. Six was full of confidence. He had a moment of weakness earlier, before the bus came. He suddenly forgot where his classroom was. Thankfully it is right next to the Spanish room. A quick reminder and he was good to go. When we got to school, he walked in with three kids from his class. Daisy and Azalea dropped off third graders at the elementary school today. Big day for them, new school. Such sweet girls they have.
What do Four and I do with the rest of our day? Well, we started off with making 3 lasagnas and a dish of manicotti. N will be home soon and maybe a trip to the grocery store will be in the works. Tomorrow I hope to make a trip to the outlet mall for shoes. The end of the week will bring a babysitter our way! Should be a great time!

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