Sunday, June 12, 2011

These People

  • They associate the sound of the lock on the door being turned, with their dad coming home.
  • I can tell when they are in need of something, but too shy to ask.
  • They wake up early and are finally aware that we do not need to be awake as well.
  • They sleep through the night, 98% of the time.
  • They can make me smile when I least expect it.
  • They share half my DNA.
  • They know me better than anyone else.
  • Their silliness can be the most adorable thing, or the worst, depending on the location and topic of silliness.
  • They can make me laugh and be filled with joy.
  • Their innocent conversations bring me to realize things that I may have missed or forgotten.
  • I've never been more proud of any three people in the world.
  • When they get home is the best part of my day.
  • They get along, most of the time, and play well once they know what direction to go.
  • I pray for them daily, looking for patience and guidance as they grow.
  • Their names are Seven, Five and Three. These are the most important people to me.

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