Thursday, June 9, 2011

Field Day

Yesterday was so unbearably hot, they canceled Field Day until today. This morning, I had my doubts, but the rain stayed away and we had an awesome morning. It almost makes me sad to say goodbye to the school year. The relationships we established with the kids throughout the year are precious. I love going there and seeing each of their smiling faces.
My projects for the teachers are near complete! Just a couple more things to add and we are good to present them tomorrow. It wasn't until today that I realized tomorrow is NOT a half day of school. I have been telling my group that it is all month long. Kindergarten has a picnic in the afternoon. We are able to take the kindergartners home after that, I guess Seven will be able to come home early too.
We had playground duty for the kindergarten Field Day. First grade was in charge of hula hoops and jump ropes. N and Three followed the classes while I remained at my assigned post. Handing out the Popsicles was fun. "You get what you get and you don't throw a fit." This had to be the theme for Popsicle time. We also had to make it clear that they needed to be careful not to dump it out, they were only to receive one. In the end, we were short one and a teacher had to run inside for it. Turned out to be a great morning. Both boys have pizza parties this afternoon. They are very excited. So much fun packed into two days! Soccer tonight as long as it isn't too wet.
Happy to report Three has been much better with her behavior once she was around older kids. This whiny, baby act is driving me crazy. I think she is spending too much time with N and myself. When she is around other kids, things are good. She was proud to be big today at Field Day. They all had a great time with the face painting. Zinnia's boy, poor sweet boy. I did a lighting bolt on his cheek, my first of the day. It turned out more like a lizard. When his dad arrived, he asked JC who gave him the lightening bolt. JC replied: "Miss K, and that is the way she makes them." Bless his little heart! I love that boy.

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