Saturday, June 18, 2011

Thankful children

I am happy to report we have made progress on saying our prayers daily. Each time, they surprise me with their ideas. Tonight, Five was thankful for arriving home safely from our weekend away. He also was thankful for "getting a new father." Meaning the new priest coming to our church in a few weeks. So sweet, random and sweet. Three blows me away, she usually says she's thankful for everything. Tonight, she is thankful for the "people we don't know." Seven is thankful for our safe trip back and prayed for a safe trip camping next week. Tonight at the party, I was told I have good kids. I hear that often when we go to public places. Even thought at times, they can make me crazy, I am proud of the people they are becoming. I pray He gives me guidance and patience, direction to raise them to be the people He wants them to be. Stay on the straight path Hermie.

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