Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Watch me spin around, where I stop nobody knows

Today, I was on go! Seriously, I don't know where this motivation came from. I got terrible sleep last night. N didn't feel well, I slept downstairs on the couch, always a mistake. I was up at 4:30, couldn't go back to sleep. My children were up right at 6am. We spent quality time together. I love how sweet they are first thing in the morning. There was nothing on the schedule today. Get the boys on the bus and the rest of the day was free. N is home sick. He slept all morning. I hope he feels better with all the rest he's had. I may crash this afternoon and he will need to take over.
Motivation, sometimes it is hard to find. For the first hour I was awake, I thought of all the things to do in this house. I'd started to set up the desk and computer area in the living room, but this project was still unfinished. With N not feeling well, I couldn't remember how long it had been since I stripped beds. Boys on the bus and I got busy. All beds were cleaned and I just have Four's to put back together. I'm talking blankets and sheets. I washed the kitchen floor, cleaned both bathrooms. I am still happy with the new arrangement in the living room. Change can be fun, but a lot of work.
My biggest issue that has been weighing on me was the basement. It was a disaster. It's been worse, but still a disaster. Perhaps it was showing it to Zinnia yesterday that motivated me to take on such a project today. I put on my MP3 player and between myself, Four and Pink, the job was done. It looks really great too. I cleaned the entire kid area, vacuum and weeded out toys. We had dress up clothes out and I put them away for awhile. Four requested McQueen cars. We cleaned up the kitchen stuff and I put away the baby toys that were still out from Sweet Pea. My next job, to tackle my corner. Our basement is in an L shape. The long side is the kid side. We have three big rugs, a couch, recliner, TV area and some centers. It's an unfinished basement, thus the need for the rugs. Their area is decent sized and they have lots of room to play. I created a wall of totes to make a corner for myself in the back. They are not allowed back there. I have many items stored back there. From totes with clothing to totes with scrapbooks. There is a fabric section, along with my sewing machine. All our storage is in my corner. When we decided to move the desk down to the living room, a large table was free. I decided to create a project area with that table. One where we could work on something great, and not necessarily clean it all up in time for dinner. I want them to be able to let the creativity flow. They boys will be excited to see the change when they get home. I am excited to show Zinnia. Of course there is a pile of stuff for the Walleye festival in April. There are also a couple of boxes that I need to sort through. I did empty 6 laundry baskets which contained various things. All put away and organized. I feel there is only one shelf that needs more attention. With how many shelves we have, that is progress. Looking forward to making something great in our new space. All this before 1 o'clock! I think its time for a shower.

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