Saturday, November 5, 2011

Phrases from Six

Yesterday Six used some phrases that caught my attention. Nothing mind blowing or profound, just interesting. While we were working on Seven's turkey project, Six was pulling pipe cleaners out of the package. "For your information, there are not very many green pipe cleaners in here."Thanks Six. Later, while brushing his teeth, he tells me "I notice you got some new cups in here (the bathroom.)""They are stronger and made of plastic." He's growing so much. Using bigger words correctly. He's grown into bigger clothing too. He seemed to be in 5's forever. Even the underwear that were once too big and really bothered him, now fit perfectly.
I've exchanged some emails with his teacher. She told me he's really working on slowing down when writing, thus the improvement. He still has his moments and we've seen a few steps backwards in the wardrobe area. I'm hoping some patches on jeans will add 3 more regular pants to his drawer of approval.

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