Monday, November 28, 2011

Sunday night with Santa

We stopped by the township park building for a night with Santa. What a night it was! The chamber had lots of fun activities for the kids. Cookies, donuts and pizza, too. The kids had a great time. Santa was quiet and focused on the children. I had thought he'd ask their names or something like that. We haven't really gone to see Santa before. Mrs. Claus was great too. The school principal was dressed as an elf, reading books to the children. This was a nice touch. The kids were thrilled to see a familiar face. Hot chocolate and apple cider were ideal. There were even two reindeer outside of the building, sealing the deal with all the kids.
We haven't placed too much emphasis on Santa with our kids, but this may be Seven's last year believing in it all. I don't know. My mom always said if you stop believing, he stops coming. Maybe that will be our motto.

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