Friday, November 4, 2011

Friday lunch

We made it to lunch at the school today. Ivy was there to see her boys. We haven't seen much of them this year, hopefully that changes. Schedules are had to coordinate. She is on board helping with the next bake sale, which is great to hear.
N and I ran to the grocery store while Four was at preschool. It is really nice to get those errands done together without kids. I dread taking them all myself anymore. Four had an accident at preschool today. I felt like it was karma getting back at me. I had N take her this morning, thus forgetting to ask him to be sure she went potty when she got to school. My morning had gone so well, here was it's revenge. I didn't have clothes in her back pack. Apparently her shoes were wet too. We made our way back to Mland to bring her clean clothing. They had clothing for her, but she wanted to put on her own. Could be worse. After our shopping, we picked Four up and made a unplanned trip to lunch at the school. The boys were so happy. I love seeing them during the day. It reminds me of how much I miss them. I am sure by Monday morning, I will be ready for them to go back to school. They are growing too fast.
I remember how big the second graders seemed when we first came to town. Now Seven is one of those big kids. And Six has come a long way, even in the last few weeks. His handwriting is improving. We have parent teacher conferences this month. I am curious what Mrs. L thinks. He helped me write the grocery list this morning. I love to see how eager he can be.
No big plans for the weekend, but I heard from Ivy Toysrus is letting kids try out the latest toys this weekend. Maybe we will do that to break up our day?

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