Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Pocket projects

After much, much effort, I am proud to say our pocket projects for birthdays/Christmas are finished. We began this journey in the summer months. They turned out really cute. We were able to personalize each one to the child receiving them for the holidays. They were a lot of work to make, but totally worth it. I'll post more pictures of others. We lucked out with this project. It was time consuming, but very affordable. We collected pockets from different people. It was fun to see the different pockets go one. Some from my kids I remember when they wore the pants at a certain age. Different shades gave different looks. Iron on patches and appliques made them unique.

This is for a certain little boy in MN. Haven't found everything for inside his yet, but some trucks that match the outside might be nice.
A little girl in MN will get this one. The big pockets were mine, the small pink ones belonged to Four. She wanted to add the dollies. Those were Four's, but we picked up new ones since taking this picture. The patches really add to finish it off, along with the letter, making it personalized.
This one is for Baby Orchid. Four wanted to fill it with some of her things. The small pockets in the middle belonged to Four. The big pockets on the bottom belong to Uncle Dv.
This one was for Cousin #9 for his first birthday. Boy was the leapfrog guy a big hit! He also loved the hammer. Inside other pockets are books and small baby trucks.
Best reaction yet: Cousin #6. The heat pockets on Cousin #6 were actually from pants she gave Four. She genuinely loved hers. Those were her exact words "I love it!"

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