Friday, November 11, 2011

Much to be thankful for this Friday night

Today was veterans day. Veterans ate for free at Applebee's today. N and I were able to enjoy a nice lunch without any children (Thank you Zinnia!) The place was full. We ran some errands and enjoyed our afternoon together. Today brought back many memories from our AF days. We were newlyweds and had many adventures. I try to keep in touch with as many AF friends as I can. What a gift they have given all of us. Some of our good friends are currently deployed. When N was deployed, there was much controversy over the war. He was overseas when it began. I was a wreck. We were living in TX. He came home one night and told me he was leaving. I had made worthless hamburger helper for supper. We never ate it. After many tears, he took me to Red Lobster. We called my parents, asking if I could come home for the next 6 months. They flew down and helped me put him on the plane. One of the hardest things I have ever done, put my husband on a plane and send him to the unknown. It was our first deployment. We had no idea what to expect. He bounced around from base to base until he made it to his final destination in Qatar. He lived in a tent, worked 12+ hour days. He ran 100 miles while over there. Small things were missed. Things we take for granted. The country was torn from the beginning about this war. Many were against it. My parents flew down and we enjoyed our last days together. We rented an airplane and flew to Corpus Christi. We ate shrimp on the beach and soaked up all the sun we could. It was February. After N left, my mom flew back to MN with my fish. My dad drove N's car and I drove mine. We put all our stuff in storage and headed to MN where I stayed until it was close to his return. I tried to keep myself as busy as I could. I went to stay with many family and friends. I subbed at the church, the school I attended when I was a child. I took my sister on a trip to Chicago to check out grad schools. I spent quality time with my little cousins in ND. I flew to MI to see N's family. It was still a challenge to be without him. I could not imagine what it would be like with a family. The first time I saw the deacon that married us, I burst into tears. We were away to a winter cabin with friends and happened upon protesters outside a mall. They were pushy and against the war. They even tried to harass my parents and friends. I was so distraught. They had no idea what my family had just been through. Just because they were against the war, doesn't mean they should have held it against the troops. They were just doing their jobs. By July, my dad and I drove back to TX with our cars and put all our stuff into a new apartment. N came home the end of the month, just in time for us to take a trip to CA for his best friend the AF Academy to get married. We had a great vacation, well deserved. We were back to TX for a few weeks, then off to FL for more training. That was the best vacation we've had. It was the honeymoon we never had. A very nice hotel, right on the beach. After that great vacation, we moved to Biloxi for 3 months for more training. We tried to go to FL every weekend. This was the beginning of something great. We were back together and soon discovered it would no longer be just the two of us. Seven came into our lives 9 months later.
We remember in our prayers our friends who are deployed this veterans day. We remember their families, wives, children who are left behind to try to remain a normal life. I wish I was there for my friends, the wives who struggle without their spouse. I never had that experience with children. My heart aches for them and the long time they endure without their loved one, praying daily for their safe return.
What a day. So many memories, so many great friends and wonderful adventures. Our day continued and Six had parent centers today. N and I went to help for an hour. We were in charge of putting together headbands. The drew symbols on the band and cut out three feathers. Each time I go, I am excited to return. The kids are so sweet and nice. I have gotten to learn many. Some remind me of how I taught them German last year. It was a memorable lesson I guess.
Things didn't go so well this evening. Again, it has been and could have been worse. I am not sure what the deal was, but everyone was a little irritated. Early bedtime was necessary. N has the late shift and will need to sleep in tomorrow. Hopefully the direction has been laid and they know to be quiet in the morning. I feel tired myself and my not be awake when he gets home.
Nothing on the agenda for the weekend. I heard it's a big free sample weekend at Sam's club. We may check that out tomorrow just for something to do.

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