Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Classroom festivals

Yesterday Four had a Thanksgiving festival potluck at preschool. I wish N could have come with, but it was on his work day this year. We took Zinnia instead. We had a great time. The kids did cute little song and dances, which were really fun to watch. There was lots of great food. It was a nice way to spend a Monday morning.
Tuesday brought another festival. Six celebrated with his first grade class. This was a slightly different experience. All first grade classes came and rotated participating in games. Mrs. L's class was at the hot potato aka hot corn station. After Mrs. L showed us how to play, Four and I took over the game and ran it for the next class. Four got to shake the noise maker or pat the drum. As she did, the children passed the corn cobs around the circle. When she stopped, they were out. It was fun to see the kids so happy and enjoy themselves. They held the same event last year, but N attended with Seven. Four had a party at preschool, it was the same time as the party for Seven. This year we were on different days. One of the best games was all kids sitting in a circle. They took turns in pairs. One child sat on a rolling cart, low to the ground, and shook bells. The other child was on another cart and wore glasses that were taped up so they couldn't see. In a Marco Polo style game, all cheered the kids on as they tried to find the rolling kid shaking the bells. Many had a great time with this one.
Four and I are home and for some reason, I am procrastinating getting my packing done. I need to pack and make pumpkin bars. Instead, I've been washing walls and blogging. Everyone needs to rest. I didn't sleep well last night. I am not sure why, but I was awake from 2 to almost 5.
Parent teacher conferences are today after school. Dinner with Zinnia and her group to exchange watching each others kids during conferences and then I am off to the movies!
I feel so blessed N is such a supportive guy. Last weekend he picked the kids up and put them to bed so I could finish my project with my friend. Last week he got our routine perfect when I helped Daisy out. Now he's letting me go to a movie with a new friend. He's great and I am thankful for him this holiday season.

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