Sunday, November 6, 2011

Gotta have faith

Yesterday evening, I lost my patience. Not so much that it was tragic evening, we've had worse. I still felt guilty how irritated I was with my children. I pray for today to be a better day. I need more faith to get me through the evenings. Granted, we didn't leave the house all day. I'm sure my Mum sensed my frustrations last night on the phone.
We started it out right with going to church as a family. Seven will make his first reconciliation in December. We attended two meetings on this topic today. I am eager and excited to share this experience with him.
Bonus: cookies and donuts after mass. Since we were at the meeting, we got some before mass as well. Kids are in good moods. The sun is shining and it is warm outside. We will spend some time out there and I hope the boys let me cut their hair.

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