Wednesday, November 30, 2011

First snow day

Today, we got to try out all our winter gear. Turns out, Four needs new mittens and possibly boots. Everyone else is set and well equipped for the winter months ahead. A snow storm last night left us without school today. Kids were thrilled. Zinnia's group came over early, snow or no snow, she still had to work.
My kids were out the door while it was still dark outside. Hot cocoa, pancakes, biscuits and gravy waiting for them when they came in from the cold. They got undressed, ate and went on their merry way to play. Wouldn't you know, only about an hour later they wanted to go back outside. I told them to wait a little longer, their stuff is not even dry. We'll see how long I can hold them off. They are all in the basement for now. Farm, duplos and bricks for entertainment. They made sections on the floor for each activity. What a group.

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