Wednesday, October 26, 2011


Sweet Pea did have a much better day today, my prayers were answered. She slept the entire time Four was at preschool, just as she did on Monday. We were at the grocery store and in the car the entire time. Guess that is what it takes. Can't believe she can sleep through the noise in the store.
Four had a wonderful day at preschool. She wore her Snow White costume and passed out her popcorn treats. We put ringlets in her hair and I made a red headband with a red bow. She even had red shiny, sparkly shoes.
After school, the boys were full of excitement. Babies were their topic of discussion. They wanted to count all the babies we knew. Then they discussed how fun it would be to get all these babies together for a Baby Bash. N said "BYOB" bring your own baby?
I whipped up two pans of Great Auntie B's pumpkin bars tonight. Brought some over to Zinnia to celebrate her birthday tomorrow. Now she has treats to take to work. Her group will be with us in the evening. Looking forward to it. Tried to ask my group what we should have for supper, but didn't get any brilliant ideas.
Zinnia and I are almost done with some of our projects for the holidays. It's hard to fit time in for all our ideas, but we are managing. Looking forward to posting the finished product. It would blow your mind to hear the numbers of products we have created. So many cards, Lovies and pocket projects. She's keeping a tally.
Tomorrow is a new day. Not sure how I'm going to get Sweet Pea to sleep that well again, only to start her out in the car. What a girl. Just before her mom came, she was leading a pack of crazy kids. They were on all fours crawling after her. I think she knew she was special to them and enjoyed being their leader.

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