Thursday, October 6, 2011

Fussy, Fussy

Day two with Sweet Pea. She is fussy. I don't think she is like this at home. It's rather frustrating. She was better this morning than yesterday, but still did not want to be put down. We brought out the umbrella stroller and the kids pushed her around in the house. She seemed to take comfort in being in the stroller. Maybe it made her more secure? Anyway, the kids entertained her well.
Flu shots were on the agenda for the morning. She was great during that time.
We returned the boys to school and headed to town for some necessities. The trip through Sam's was good. She rode in the stroller no problem, but I knew we were on borrowed time. Four had some attention issues when we tried to influence her on being quiet in the car. Sweet Pea fell asleep on the ride home. Of course she woke up as soon as we got here. We fed her some peas and squash. No nap was in site for her, I was only dreaming for me. We walked her around the block a few times. She fell asleep, but woke up when the ride was over. We rocked in the chair and I think she slept for about 20 minutes. I held her the rest of the afternoon. What am I thinking? I didn't even do this with my own kids. I think if and when I can get her to take a bottle, we will do better. She did get down and play a few times today. Being in the stroller helped. I think she will be better as she becomes more familiar and comfortable. Verbena had a discussion about watching other peoples kids yesterday during soccer. It is always more work than you anticipate. Maybe I'm not cut out for it after all. We will see. She ate again and is on a walk with N and Four. Time to go get the boys.

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