Friday, October 7, 2011

On the third day, I see the light!

Friday is usually a great day of all of society. Things feel different on Fridays. The weekend excitement is in the air. Yesterday, I had my doubts about the situation with Sweet Pea. I wasn't sure I'd make it until 1 December. Today, I am so happy to say has been much, much better. We were out and about during preschool. She took some good stretches of naps during that time, as long as the car was moving. Once we were home, she ate a really good lunch. Still won't take a bottle from me, but I did get her to take one drink from a sippy cup. She played with Eliana in the living room on the floor the entire time I cleaned up the kitchen. I was amazed. She didn't fuss about wanting to be held! We may get through this yet. The problem is we are done now for 3 days, well 5 if you count the weekend. Our trip to MN is planned and we won't see Sweet Pea until next Thursday. I hope it won't be like starting over again. I did get a book I've been waiting for at the library today. I am so anxious to read it. I'd like to drop everything and read, but alas, I have quite a list to get done before we can head out of town tomorrow.

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