Saturday, October 15, 2011

Soccer season finalle

Today we huddled together and kept warm during the last soccer games. At first, I was disappointed that both boys games were at the same time. In the end, perhaps it was a blessing. The wind was so strong and cool, it as hard to sit still for the entire game. We traded off, Four and I watched the first half of Six's game. N went with Seven. Six scored a goal! Of course it wasn't on my watch. I was waiting all season, trying to catch him scoring on film. No such luck for this mom. He is hard to get dressed and out the door, but once he's there, he has fun and does well. I don't know if he will play next season. I imagine he will want to, but it is still frustrating getting ready. Seven almost scored a goal and loved the season. His coach was loud and they really liked him. He always gets himself dressed and is ready to go on time. No battles there. Four will be the right age to play as well. We will see if that will work. It was tough running to games and practices with two kids, I am not sure about three.
The sun finally came out. After such a cold morning, I dug out the winter clothing. We matched up all the gloves and mittens, found many hats and everyone has boots that fit. I think Seven may need a new pair half way through the year, we will see. That first snow is right around the corner. Not sure if it will happen before Halloween in MI. We will be ready when it gets here.

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