Monday, October 3, 2011

Mondays aren't for the weak

All three kids were out the door, clean, fed and on time. I fit in a trip to spend my Kohls cash and met Daisy at church. We made a plan for RE tonight and set up our room. It's still a slight work in progress, but the night went very well. This afternoon Zinnia and I made a big dent in our on going projects. Four played outside with the cats. I love seeing her enjoy the cats so much. Time with them is an experience I can not give her. I loved playing with cats when I was a kid. They added these kittens to their family this summer. The cats are so used to the kids cuddling and loving them. The girls carry the cats like babies. The cats don't mind, they go along with it all. She will spend a decent amount of time outside by herself with the cats. I can see her out the window. She loves that time outside with those cats by herself.
RE tonight went well. We have a new director. I am impressed with some of the changes she has made. I think it will take some of the pressure off of us. We were always trying to come up with more activities to keep the children busy. She provided us with an activity and we gathered in the chapel. It all broke up our time and we were done before we knew it.
We came home, happy, but I was left anxious to get the people to bed. They shared some online interest with their dad and were in bed on time. To my discouragement, there are two children in the kitchen having a snack. At least there are only two, something about one sleeping child upstairs makes it ok. They better be in the bed within the next 10 minutes.

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