Sunday, October 30, 2011

Productive Sunday

I know Sunday is supposed to be the day of rest, but after not doing anything yesterday, I had stuff to get done. N and the boys decided to walk home from church. This was an idea that blew my mind, well not completely. He only has so much time before he has to be to work. It was all good. I made a quick lunch of soup and grilled sandwiches. He was off and so was I. I organized shelves that have been staring me in the face for weeks, full of clutter and chaos. I did all the laundry, last two loads are going as I type. Cleaned the bathrooms, washed the kitchen floor, and made three saint costumes. All in a days work I guess.
The saint costumes were not as much of a challenge as I had thought. Seven will be St. Peter. Peter was a fishermen. We Googled pictures of the saints they chose then based our costume from that photo. St. Peter will be a blue tunic with an orange belt. We will use a cape for a cloak, it is neutral tones. He will be carrying a stick in the form of a fishing pole with five paper fish on the end. St. Fransis of Assisi will be tan with a brown belt. He will be carrying a basket of animals, including birds and a wolf. St. Theresa will be in black. She has a black headpiece, black leggings, and a black dress. She will have a white belt and carry a rosary and flowers.
Hope it goes well. Tomorrow will be a big day. First everyone off to school, then Halloween parties and fun.

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