Saturday, October 29, 2011

Sorry Saturday

Reviews are out that our little blog is letting people down. Sorry to say, I was slightly under the weather. Sweet Pea will no longer be joining us. As sad as I am to see her go, our house will be much quieter. My kids are really disappointed and concerned when they will see her again.
I had high hopes for today. N had the day off and we were going to have some fun. Everyone wanted to go to the apple farm. It rained. I've had a migraine that brought me to urgent care yesterday am and did not go away today. It was rough. I feel better now, but can still feel the headache. We shall see what tomorrow brings. N took the kids for a walk into town. They were gone for quite a few hours.
Everyone came home full of energy and surprises. Amazing how much happiness $5 at the dollar store can bring. They came home with army guys, jewelry set and hand cuffs. Everyone was "under arrested." They spent the rest of the afternoon creating a game board for the soldiers to battle on. They were very creative.
We missed out on the clean up the church day as well as the bonfire. The bishop dedicated the social hall in honor of Father Larry. Wish we could have participated in all those activities. Our church is such a big part of our community. It has become a very familiar place and is set will with our routine. I pray to feel better tomorrow. Doc's told me to take it easy.

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