Saturday, July 23, 2011

Texas memories

We had a great day, until we headed off to church. Five had trouble with the transition and his bad attitude carried over to mass. Three caused some trouble too. We didn't even make it through the homily. I know Fr. B said something about us as we walked out, but I could not hear due to the screaming child I was carrying. I don't know what got into them. We have not had a time like that in awhile. Alas, the troublesome children are in bed early. Seven is up playing Thomas on the computer.
Tonight, when I thought I wouldn't make it until bedtime, I came upon a mysterious tape. Here it was a video of when Five was a year old, Seven two years old. It was from a trip to MN, then on to visit the cousins. They had just moved into their Extreme Makeover house. Cousin Six was also a baby like Five. It made the rest of our night so pleasant. We watched the video for a half hour. They were mesmerized. We saw all of my family and each of the cousins. They loved to watch how they played. We also saw clips from our house in TX. Five learning to talk was a highlight. Seven had the sweetest little voice. I loved all his words. We watched them destroy a playroom in seconds. We walked around the block and saw our old neighborhood. Seven wants to move back there. Five said no because it doesn't snow.
It was all good until time for the troublesome two to go to bed. Five just came in trying to cause trouble. It's hard when one gets to stay up. He's playing the "I want daddy card." Better get him in his bed before Three is out too.

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