Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Days are dwindling

We are down to the last few days of N's vacation. What to do; what to do. He wants to take a trip to Ludington, MI. Calculating the cost, just not feasible at this time. I wanted to take our bikes to Mackinac Island, also not feasible at this time due to cost. It's $90 for us to take the ferry with the kids and our bikes. I wasn't expecting it to be that high.
With both ideas out, we are left with uncertain plans. Our plans have been uncertain all week. This really frustrates me. We still have jobs to finish around the house too. Guess we will get our work done and try to find somewhere close to play tomorrow. Thursday Five has a birthday party at 6. Friday the cousins come for the weekend. Have to get our house ready for them. Cousins 8 and 9 like to take things apart and write on walls. We haven't had to worry about things like that for awhile in this house. Then there is the plan of what to feed such a group.
The kids are thrilled with whatever we decide. Five really wanted to bike at the island. They are also happy with the pool or local beach. The local beach has a nice spray park for the kids, right next to the beach. Three doesn't care for the weeds though. She expressed this when we mentioned the beach. Our plans remain in limbo. We will see where the day takes us.

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