Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Job Interview Results

Well, the job I interviewed for had some changes after our meeting. Turns out they received a new classification from the state. Great for the preschool! They will now be able to accept families who qualify for head start and state programs. On the down side, you have to have your certification to teach the classes. Alas, I do not qualify. I will sub there though, and perhaps enter the program to get my certification next year. I can't commit to the time until Three goes to Kindergarten.
Guess my year will focus on spending time with her and enjoying her before she starts school. I am thankful they thought of me and asked me to interview. Plus, I got to have coffee and get out of the house for a couple hours!

1 comment:

Teresa said...

You can only think that there was a 'bigger plan' already made! You will be right where you are supposed to be.