Friday, July 22, 2011

Praying for friends

A family in TX lost a dear loved one this week. I never met him, nor did I get to know the mother until I had moved away. The grandmother, Amaryllis, was a big part of our life in TX. She was a great friend to me. Amaryllis rescued me many times. It is hot in TX. It is hot to be pregnant in the summer in TX. I would make it to the corner of our street and she'd take us in her cool, air conditioned house. Her daughters spent so much time with us. The boys loved them. her oldest daughter had already moved away and was a newlywed when I lived in the neighborhood. I wish I would have been able to spend more time with Aster, I think we would have been great friends. We are friends now, but all communication is online. She has experienced life unlike most with her first child. She inspired me in so many ways. Her strength was amazing. She is a true testimony to Gods work. I know Amaryllis is so proud of the mother Aster has become. Aster posted a picture on her blog of her, her husband and their sweet boy E. It was titled "God Speed My Little Man!" I can't imagine what their house has been like the past few weeks. My heart goes out to them. I hope you will read this and remember their family in your prayers tonight.

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