Wednesday, July 6, 2011

10 Years Today

It was our anniversary today. 10 years ago I married my best friend, the love of my life. I am so blessed to have met N. He is everything I hoped for in a husband.
Our day started out pretty good. I made him a fantastic breakfast burrito. Eggs, cheese, spinach, onion, ham, along with some salsa and sour cream; it was delicious!
Today we spent the afternoon at the beach. We went to Higgins Lake. It was a perfect day for the beach. The kids had a great time. We got a new raft, they kept calling it a boat. They took it out on the water with N. They went in the "deep" water with their life jackets and he tossed them overboard. Fun was had by all. My only disappointment, the $12 book I bought is turning out to not be a favorite. Other than that, can't complain about our day. Tomorrow we get to eat lunch without any kids. That will be followed by a trip to the pool. In the evening, Five has a birthday party at Chuck E Cheese. We get to pick up groceries during that time and be ready for the cousins arrival on Friday!
I plan to write about the night we met in the future. It's a great story I want to share, but don't have the energy tonight. Thanks to my family for a wonderful day! Loved all the phone calls too!

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