Monday, July 11, 2011

A heavy heart

I have a relationship in which the past nine months has had a dramatic change. It went from communication every day, to nothing, total cut off. The problem is I have no clue how or why it happened. When the distance began, I inquired if there was something I did to cause this change. I was given an answer "no, geez, no." I didn't think anything was wrong after that, but more and more distance was there. I prayed and prayed. I've never had a relationship that I care about turn downhill like this. It left me hanging and hurt. Worse yet, the kids were affected too. They were confused why we couldn't play and spend time together. To this day, I am still not sure what happened. I will continue to pray for this person. Perhaps I did not put my whole heart into it, my prayers for guidance were too weak. I need strength to rise and truly get my heart in the right place. I thought I was there, but with no answers, maybe I am not. I wish all the best for them and just wanted to be a good friend. Relationships can leave you in disbelief.

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