Thursday, April 26, 2012

Walleye Festival

Tomorrow marks our fourth Walleye Festival in our little Michigan town. It's opening weekend for fishing walleye on the river. It's 150 + garage sales throughout town. It's a good time to find treasures. We have a small list of things to look for, but I fear we won't be as on top of our game as we have been in the past. To start with, it's cold and windy. Not a place for a new baby. We went to a couple of places today, but I sat in the car. She slept the entire time. We managed to find a basketball hoop for the boys. They were so excited when they came home. They could spy it from up our street! I hope to find a jumperoo for Baby Girl. I saw a couple today, but they were missing parts. Hopefully we can find one tomorrow. I have doubts because some streets are too full to drive down. We would have to walk and that won't work with the baby. Plus, Four has a field trip to the petting zoo in the morning. N is going to take her and the boys. No early garage sales for us that way. We could go in the afternoon, but I think we'll have to check out some neighborhoods that aren't as congested. Next year will be a different story. We did find a jogging stroller yesterday. It's not the same quality as our other jogging stroller, but this way it's not something my parents have to haul here for us anymore. Today we put our stroller in the van for the first time. I admit, I am disappointed how big it is and how much room it takes up in back of the van. Oh well. We'll see how comfortable we get with it. N says I am the stroller collector. We've had quite a few strollers over the years. The jogging strollers seem to be worth their money, not so much the other kind. Our new one is ok, but a bit large and I'm not sure how much we will use it. It came with the car seat and was $100 off, a great deal. Hopefully we put it to good use this summer. I know we will make great use of the jogging stroller though. Soccer tonight and I've got supper in the oven. Should be a great weekend!

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