Thursday, April 5, 2012

The flutter kick

I feel like she's practicing the flutter kick. Once again, here I am at 4 AM, wide awake. The kids came home last night around 9pm. They were so excited to tell me about their day! This was one of the first times N has taken all three for that length of time alone. First they went to his parents house to see the newest cousin. They were surprised at how small she was. She's only a few weeks old. It was good for them to see a baby so tiny, they have no memory of seeing such a small baby before. Next they went to get the boat. N wasn't sure what he wanted to do with the boat this year. It needs some work. We've discussed selling it, but when he came home, he said he couldn't sell it. He's really excited to make it work this summer.
After getting the boat, they went to see the cousins. Never a dull moment at their house! Kids all over, entertaining each other. The little ones are hilarious and all my group could talk about. Of course the most famous would be the 18 month old. He puts on quite a show. I guess he has some blonde curls now. They had a great time and were very happy when they came home. Of course they wanted to know what I did with my day. Nothing too exciting.
I finished a book, did three loads of laundry. I washed the kitchen floor and went to the store. Got my mail order returned at the post office, picked up two dvd's of a TV series I started watching that is a new release for the second season and ordered myself a Chinese dinner for take out. I went to Zinnia's to make a couple freezer meals and visited for an hour or so. It was a nice, relaxing afternoon.
Today, we go see the doc. I really, really hope to have made some progress. I will not be surprised if I have to wait until next week, but if anything is changed, I hope it's go time. Not sure what to do with the kids on Easter weekend. I know the neighbor is free, but I am not certain of all my other friends plans. I would guess Azalea is free as well, but can't confirm it without speaking to her. We'll see what goes on at my appointment. Sunday is N's birthday. I have everything for his cake, but he didn't confirm his meal choice. He wants it to be simple and easy, such a nice guy. He'll probably make it with me or himself, depending on how I feel. I hope to have it all ready and enjoy the evening as a family.
Tonight is a potluck at church. I am amazed at the number of potlucks we've had this year. My kids love it. Our church really feels like our family. I hadn't signed us up, but did email earlier this week. Hopefully we can make it. I found a new recipe for potato casserole with bacon. I have all the items necessary and plan to put that together this afternoon once we are back from my appointment. That's all for now. We'll see where the day takes us!

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