Saturday, April 28, 2012

The sound of rollerblading

"Time to get your roller skating on!" "I can go, I just can't move." This is what I hear coming from the basement. We found roller blades today at the Walleye Festival for the boys. We rolled up the rugs in the basement and they are down there practicing. Sister has a echo microphone and is playing the roll of announcer. They all have teams and nick names. What a group. Hard to believe I waited so long to introduce roller blades to my group. It was a huge part of my life in my early years. I used to roller blade all over town, it was my only transportation for a long time. I used roller blades instead of a car throughout high school and college. I still remember my first pair, black with neon laces! We've had two ok days so far. N went back to work last night at 3. We made it through supper and bedtime. Eight stayed up a little with me while I chatted with Mum. He's such a good boy. I was glad the other two fell asleep so fast, they usually do. I haven't been to keen on them playing outside lately. It's just hard to have the baby in the house and them outside. Everyone needs supervision. My compromise was to clear the basement. They were entertained for hours this afternoon. Four really wanted to get Littlest Pet Shop during the garage sales. I was sad she didn't find any yesterday. As luck would have it, our neighbor was selling her entire collection! Imagine, just what she wanted right next door. She picked a house and a bag with furniture. We then selected a few bags of characters. In the end, she was so pleased. Six had come home with N yesterday toting along ZuZu pets. I was less than thrilled. They didn't even entertain him last night. I imagine they will be short lived and gone for next years sale. Sad we will have to put up with them for the year. Oh well, perhaps he will surprise me. I think part of it was the need for new batteries in some. Eight too was disappointed. We didn't get to explore like we used to. Today, finding the roller blades cleared all sorry feelings for him. Also, spending the morning with N didn't hurt either. The Methodist church was selling tacos and tamales. Oh my did they remind us of San Antonio. We used to eat tacos all of the time. Our neighbor's family used to make the best tamales. It was a great lunch before N headed to work. He did try fishing last night at midnight, verruckt if you ask me. Especially since it was cold, fishing at midnight! At least he slept in today. I hope he got enough rest. Well, Baby Girl is up and so is my time. Ta ta for now!

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