Thursday, April 26, 2012

New baby life

We've had a few hiccups with Baby Girl, but they are all getting worked out. First, she didn't poop for a week. Success on Tuesday solved that issue. She had such terrible gas the following day, she was very crabby. After a visit to Zinnia's, Mr. D discovered she had thrush. Another call to the Dr. and she had meds waiting for us at the pharmacy. She slept most of the day, wasn't awake much. This is new to me. I've never had a baby that would possibly sleep through her feeding. I've had to wake her up to eat. We'll see how long it lasts. I want to try to get some great pictures, but she's been asleep so much. Kids have one more day of school this week, then our first weekend alone. We were going to have help, but due to a family emergency, that was canceled. We'll see how we do. N goes back to work Friday night. I am sure it will be fine, but we will not leave the house. We left the house today to take Four to preschool. Baby Girl cried almost the entire drive. Just when I thought she was a fan of the car, we have two trips with screaming and tears. Good thing we don't go too far. I managed to make it to the store. I didn't want to take the baby out, but needed a few things N couldn't pick out for me. It was nice to get out. We were back home before we knew it. I was exhausted. Baby Girl didn't get out of the car seat. She slept the entire time Four was at preschool. I had mixed feelings about going to the store when she was only one week old. I really wanted to keep her home for as long as I could before exposing her to the elements. It was a big step for me. I feel like I need to be transitioned back into life again after delivering a baby. It's traumatic on your body. Then to get home and meet all the infants demands with little sleep and any other issues that come up make this a challenging time. Not to mention the repercussions of delivery on your own body, these alone take awhile to deal with. I'm trying to take it one day at a time, but it's hard when the simple things can seem so challenging. I felt rushed today, I just wanted to get things done and get home. I was disappointed how long it all took. We ran out to Zinnia's with some garage sale items. After finding the thrush, I felt slightly overwhelmed. Many people were at her garage sale and I felt the need to hide the baby in the house. I didn't want a bunch of people wanting to touch her. No one did, but when I saw so many people coming, that is how I felt. Plus, she was ready to eat and I needed to call the Dr office and figure out the thrush thing. Then I needed to figure out when the meds would be ready at the pharmacy. Would I have to go with four kids to pick it up? N took the day to himself. I was disappointed he did, but also glad. He's been great this past week and should enjoy some of his time off with an activity of his choice. Too often I rule his days off with errands and tasks we need to accomplish. Well, shes squawking and ready for the next thing. We'll see how the rest of my night goes.

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