Tuesday, April 10, 2012


Well, back to L and D we went last night just before 1am. We were met by 3 police cars and 6 police officers in the ER doorway. They were escorting a man without legs and a foul mouth. Not sure what they were waiting for, some sort of bus I guess.
My contractions were steady 5 minutes apart, I waited 1.5 hours and then called. They remained steady until she checked for dilation. After that, they began to space and eventually up to 10 minutes apart. I still had contractions on the ride home. They stopped sometime after 5am. What a night. N had gone to bed around 9 o'clock, at least he slept half the night. Poor Azalea came to my rescue and got to go home an hour and a half before R had to go to work. She's such a great friend.
The rest of today, I've been uncomfortable, but not uncomfortable enough. Some contractions, but nothing consistent.
We signed Four up for kindergarten today! I nearly forgot all about it. Thanks to Geranium and her FB post, I remembered in time to get it done today. We got it done just in time to pick up the boys. On an exciting note, Six's teacher shared with us she's expecting her first baby! She said she thought of me when she found out. She is the sweetest lady. Her mother came to the school for lunch and she shared her news with the kids. Everyone is very happy for her. She shared worries because of her age. She's in great shape and will be a wonderful mother.
We picked up presents for Seven today. Couldn't find what he really wanted. Turns out it is out of stock online as well. We went to 4 stores to look for this Lego motorcycle and had no luck. They ordered something online tonight.
Tomorrow I will work on the Lego guy marshmallow treats. We will get as much done ahead of time as I can.
N made burgers tonight. Everyone is in good spirits. Just a few sheets of homework to get done and we should have a nice evening at home.

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