Sunday, April 22, 2012


We've started to have visitors come over to meet our new Baby Girl. Yesterday was our neighbor and N's family. It was great to see the grandparents and Aunt Lilac. They picked up Chinese from our local restaurant and everyone had a wonderful night. Gma Y brought two really cute outfits for the baby. I'm hoping she can wear one to Eight's confirmation in a few weeks. Daisy will be by tomorrow! I missed her call today, but we had company. N plans to take the kids to church tomorrow. We will go in a few weeks with Baby Girl. I am so thankful he will take them. I want to continue to stay on our normal schedule any way we can. The weeks ahead, so much to do. I've started a list in my head and will have to eventually write it down. We are nearly finished with Eight and his confirmation preparation. Tomorrow I hope to work on it with him. Six asked about it today. He was really precious with Baby Girl. He made the sign of the cross on her head, lips and heart, just like Fr. B showed him. They will be excited to go tomorrow and share our good news. I plan to get some pictures printed soon. Between my mum heading to see my grandmother next weekend and other relatives needing to see her since they are not online, I am eager to share our sweet new girl! After each baby, we've had our own photo shoot at home. I usually wait a few weeks to do this. I hope to time it right so she is a similar age as the other kids on our wall. I think we will be alright, it's usually been close to the one month mark. She's had her eyes closed so much during the day, it's been hard to get pictures of her. I keep waking her up to eat. Tonight she slept the first half of the night. I woke her up, but she fell back asleep right away. I decided to write, thinking she would wake up after I laid her down. No luck, guess I better make her a little less cozy in her swaddle. We're still getting used to all this. She does want to sleep so much it seems. The other nights, she's been up and fussy from 10-1am. Not tonight, she fell asleep after we put the kids down. I slept and am ready for what the night brings. We will see how we do.

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