Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Tuesdays, getting it together

We were pretty on top of things yesterday. Six has been slightly unruly and woke up with a smile yesterday morning. That smile gave me hope for a good day, he didn't even know it.
Four was to preschool on time and I got a few things accomplished with Zinnia. Today, same story, but Four and I have been home all morning. We started laundry, changed sheets on beds and baked some cookies. All were not possible without Zinnia willing to climb on the loft and change sheets for me. She and Four make a good team.
The laundry is nearly done, on to the next tasks. We need to mail out some cards. I've had thank you notes sitting here, written and addressed, but no stamps.
Last night at RE we discussed giving compliments and how they make people feel. We had extra time at the end of class and had them make a card for someone to give a compliment to. All the students chose to write their card to Fr. B. He was thrilled and said they would be his night reading. Six wrote "I like your jokes." and "I like the chicken you bring to the potluck." AMEN! Spirits were high and people were happy last night. It was a great place to be. Spirits were a little too high with the boys. They couldn't turn the silliness off. We read four stories and they were in bed by 8:30. In bed, but not asleep. Those little jokers were still awake after 9:30. Forever nervous of their behavior the next morning, I dreaded the attitudes we would wake up to. Turns out, no attitudes from anyone. I think they thrive from the routine and it took us an entire week to get back to normal around here. Hope the good spirits continue the rest of the week and we spend quality time together.

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