Monday, January 16, 2012

The key to preschool is lost

Mondays are hard enough, get everyone out the door, back into the school routine and try to stay on time. With Six in my bed at 5am from a bad dream, I had my doubts about today from the beginning. He did go back to his bed for 1.5 hrs and we started breakfast on time. N left early leaving me to think it's Tuesday. Just when I think I've got his schedule nailed down, he leaves early and I have no clue.
It's not until we are in the car, driving to preschool that I realize the key is missing. Not really a big deal, but so frustrating. I have no idea where it is. I was wearing the same coat, not in a pocket. Went through my purse, even though I don't bring it into preschool, but not there. The bag I bring with when we run errands, nope.
St. Anthony could really help me out on this one. I remember holding it along with her papers that I placed in her back pack when we picked her up. That's my last thought. We'll see what happens. I think I will get a string to put it on after this, when and if I find it.
Bake sale is Friday. I plan to get something together today. Laundry on the schedule.
I'm loving the chicken in my crockpot idea. I've done it twice this past weekend. Once we mixed the chicken with green peppers, broccoli and rice. The second time I turned it into chicken enchiladas, one of my favorites. It's really nice to eliminate the step of standing at the stove to cook the chicken. Now we are out of chicken and I have to move on to pork. We'll try some pork chops and potatoes tonight. Might get that ready ahead of time too. Nothing makes you feel better than being prepared.

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