Monday, January 16, 2012

Still trying to get it together

Patience is a virtue.
Some days, I have more patience than others.
Most of the time, I complete my job. Sure, I can be a slacker like anyone else.
Guilt sets in when N doesn't have his favorite pair of jeans clean or Seven can't find any of his favorite socks. Mind you, they do have other clean clothing, just not the ones they prefer.
Today, I felt like I was missing something. I started out with conditioner instead of shampoo in the shower. Lost the key to preschool. Searched for the key to preschool. Never called the PT office to get my appointment started. Never looked up to be sure the PT office is a preferred provider. Started my banana bread and muffins, then realized it was time to go get Four and didn't want to leave the oven on while away. Lost my keys, still do not know where they are. I had them when I brought Four home from preschool. Didn't realize they were gone until time to go to RE at 6.
Other small things frustrated me today as well. I'd reach for something, and forget what it was or go for the wrong thing. Lost my train of thought at RE when teaching the kids.
I became frustrated when we arrived home and it was still a disaster. Now Six isn't listening and they all just need to go to bed. I think I need a day off.

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