Sunday, January 8, 2012

Similar, yet so far away

After reading Bluebonnet's blog today, I was struck to see how many things we still have in common. She wrote about things she wants to improve/change in the next year. I am in the same boat with a number of items she listed.
She plans to drink a bottle of water before her cup of coffee. This is something I should be doing. I know I don't drink enough water, reason enough why I've had a bladder infection since before the holidays. I get on a role and drink plenty for a few days, but one morning I wake up and don't drink anything until lunch time.
She also plans to read more with her children. We used to read two books per kid every night. I don't know how we got out of this habit, but it never seemed to really pick up with our move to MI.
This was a draft. Happy to report both of these items on my new list have improved. Granted, it's only been two days, but better than nothing. I'll take what I can get.

1 comment:

Denise said...

I miss you. And to make you feel better, today I lost my water bottle twice, but never my cup of coffee... and I didn't read a single thing to my children, I put on a movie instead (I was exhausted from waking up early and working out! LOL!)

Bluebonnet :)