Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Lunch Bunch

Four has a program called lunch bunch at preschool. It's a way for kids to extend their preschool day from being complete at 11:30 to 1:30. We've never done it before. It seemed to me as more money to shell out and they even have to bring their own lunch. It took Four asking me if she could go to see the light and brilliance of the program. Not only does she get to experience lunch time at a table with her peers, but N and I can have more time to get things done without kids in tow.
Today was her first time and she loved it. Friday we will go again and her friends will be there. I think she will love it even more. I hope we can send her 3 times a month. N and I were able to run errands without being rushed. We even managed to have lunch at Chilli's with a gift card we've had for almost a year. It was a nice afternoon that we all enjoyed very much!

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