Friday, January 6, 2012

Deals today, I'm on a roll

I had Famous Footwear coupons burning a hole in my pocket. They were good only after the first of the year. We went looking for Four, but had no luck. Instead, N and I got each a new pair of tennis shoes for $56! I was so excited for our good luck. Mine normally cost $109. I've never paid that much, but have spent anywhere from $70-100 on them.
Later I found a pair for Four at Target for $8. I plan to get her a good pair of tennis shoes with my next coupon. I thought I was even more on top of things when the pharmacy called and didn't have my prescription, they couldn't get it until Monday. The plan was to call it in at a different store, one I had a coupon for a $10 prescription transfer! My joy was short lived as I received another phone call saying the grocery store didn't have the item either. To Target we went.
I picked up the kids, but brought home slightly crabby boys. I thought we'd hit the grocery store for a treat tonight, but after too much hassle leaving the playground, we came straight home. Oh well. It will be nice to just be home tonight. No big plans for the morning. Play date in the afternoon and a lasagna supper with friends. Ivy's boys are excited for us to come over. We haven't been able to play with them since October, or maybe it was even September. Good times. Nice weekend, hope the weather stays so nice. I'm ready to be done with winter.

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