Saturday, January 14, 2012

Regular vs. Decaf

Is it lame that I am pleased to have solved our coffee situation? Of course I am on decaf whenever possible. This irritates those who like regular coffee. Not really, but maybe slightly irritates them. We have a coffee craft that we left at Sunflower's house at Thanksgiving. Who knows when we will see them again, but I've missed the craft. Not sure why it took me so long to think of this, but we just happen to have an extra pot to the coffee maker. I labeled one handle with a R and one with a D. This way we both get fresh coffee and can tell which is which. Can't wait to break the news to N! He's in the front yard roaring the snowmobile over and over again. The neighbors will love us. Guess it's payback to the Rockstars next door. They've had us up at 1am more than once. At least it's nearly 10am.

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