Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Back to normal? I hope so.

This morning was a little rough. Boys not awake by 7:45am. They are usually up before me and we have very little issues. Too many late nights on vacation have thrown us WAY off our schedule. Everyone made it out the door in time, fed, clean and with all the proper equipment necessary for the day. We took Four to preschool then headed to Wally world for a few things. Not sure what happened to me, but I nearly passed out in the dairy section. I have no idea what it was, besides maybe not enough water that morning. I ate breakfast and had some juice, but no water. I found myself feeling dizzy. It was a strange feeling, not normal. N brought me a little bottle of OJ since it was close. I sat for a few minutes and felt better. We headed home right after that. I wish I could say I took it easy the rest of the day, but after the 20 minute car ride, I was much better. There was so much laundry all over and the living room a disaster from our unpacking of the truck, I worked on the house the rest of the afternoon.
Four came home from preschool as happy as could be. We all went to pick up the boys, washed the car, stopped at the bank, and picked up our missing ingredients for tacos. A nice meal together! Seven has a land form project due on Friday. We did not get to work on it before our trip and forgot about it last night. Thankfully, tonight we remembered and got it started. Seven and I created the platform and base. We used card board and the box our Christmas letter came in from Staples. We also used a wrapping paper roll, cut into smaller pieces. With balled up newspaper to fill the tops of the rolls and egg cartons, the formation looks like a plateau (I hope). N and Seven spray painted the top green and the rest a rust color. Seven and I then made trees out of cinnamon sticks and green ribbon. I didn't want to be the one doing all of this, after all, it is his project. I showed him how to cut the ribbon and wrap the pipe cleaners around the ribbon. He did pretty well. I showed him how to wrap them around the cinnamon sticks too. We can glue it all on tomorrow once the paint has dried. I think it turned out pretty great. I will post a picture once we have the finished product.
Kids are still awake, two in their beds. Six was just in here saying he "had a bad dream." He had just been put to bed. Then he tells me he "had a bad day dream." Oh boy. The excuses they come up with. Hope we are closer to normal tomorrow.

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