Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Another Reformation?

Tomorrow is Ash Wednesday. Things are so off at our house lately, I think we are in need of a behavioral reformation. For some reason, they seem to be acting up. Three thinks she is entitled to candy and cookies whenever she wants. I am not sure where this came from. Ever since the Valentines candy was brought into the house, she has acted like this. I guess my mistake was taking some in on the weekend for prizes for the bingo game. Now it's here and she knows it. It will disappear tomorrow.
I did not go teach RE tonight because I felt a headache coming on. What a mistake it was not to go. Instead, N went fishing. Zinnia came to get my books and Six, who would not go with her. He changed his mind shortly after she left. I put everyone in the car and brought him there. When he came home, she informs me that he cried. He did not participate for the first 20 minutes.
Do I spend too much time with my children? Do I attend too many things for them? Is that possible? So, my answer to our problems is Lent. I want to take these 40 days and focus on the important things. I want to skip movies and treats. No more trips to the movie store. No more bringing home new things. We live with what we have, and are thankful for just that. We focus on each other and trying to make our lives better. Tonight when my kids went to bed, I shared some of these thoughts with them. Didn't go over as well as I had hoped. Five cried at the thought of giving up movies at the movie store. Maybe that part is too much for his age? I remember it being a part of my growing up and not thinking much about it. Maybe it's just a Five thing.
I hope we can make a change and see what a difference it will make. What a celebration Easter will be!

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