Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Sick Days of the week

Three is better after a full day of antibiotics. Both boys started taking them today too. Poor Five. What a nightmare last night was for him, literally. He was sick and crying, but not awake. He was sleeping, yet convinced something was stuck up his nose. We needed to pop it or get it out. It took a long time to wake him up enough to get some medicine in him and calmed down. Good thing N and I went to bed at 9:30. This all happened at 11, which felt like 3 am to me. No worries, I saw 3 am too. It was a long night of running from room to room, trying to reassure and meet their needs so N could get some sleep. He had an early shift today. Morning came soon enough for him. So thankful the Doc didn't make me bring all three in. The Angel next door picked up their medicine and some Jello from the store for us. We didn't have to leave the house for the medication after all. The rest of the day has been about Star Wars and books. Red soup and grilled cheese for lunch, we are on the road to recovery. Thankfully N gets home early tonight. Hoping everyone feels better, well enough to return to normal tomorrow. We will see.

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